Transfer Learning for Feral Cat Classification Using Logistic Regression
classification, Logistic regression, transfer learning, vgg-19Abstract
Machine learning is an alternative tool for classifying animal species, especially feral cats. In this research, we use a machine-learning algorithm to classify three species of feral cats: American Wildcat, Black-footed Cat, and European Wildcat. We also use a transfer learning model using the VGG-19 network for extracting the features in the feral cat images. By combining the VGG-19 and logistic regression algorithm, we build six models and compare which one is the best to solve the problem. We evaluate and analyze all models using a 5-fold, 10-fold, and 20-fold cross-validation, with accuracy, precision, and recall as the base performance value. The best result obtained is a model with a lasso regularization and cost parameter value of 1, with an accuracy value of 0.846667, a precision value of 0.845389, and a recall value of 0.846667. We also tune the C parameter in each LR model with values such as 0.1, 0.5, and 1. The most optimum C value for the lasso and ridge regularization is one, resulting in an average value of accuracy = 0.813, precision = 0.812, and recall = 0.813.